" Why not Change The World? "

" Learn to Give "  

Handong Global University teaches students to 

make the world a better place for everyone.


HGU fosters global leaders who change the world by pursuing academic excellence and an education based on Christian faith 


1. Solve local and global issues as a University of Innovation

2. Lead social change through creative convergence as a University of the Future

3. Present a better vision to the Korean society as a Christian University


Next Generation Education-Leading Global Christian University

Core Values


Handong, with this mission, is a member university 

of UNAI and a UNITWIN Program Host University.

“工” Educational Framework of Handong

Handong's educational goal is to ‘Produce new leaders who transform the world's nations through academic excellence, world citizenship, outstanding Christian valuescharacterized, by a spirit of sacrifice, honesty, and service.’ These educational goals are encapsulated in the ‘工’ shaped character which highlights global and creative competence, major competence and upright character and values.

Handong Graduate School of Education aims to foster Christian education administrators and teachers engaging in diverse teaching contexts as professionals in the field of education.


Handong Graduate School of Education offers a variety of specialized and globalized education programs that develop qualified Christian educators equipped to teach students with a Christian worldview. Majors like the general Social Studies Education and Biology Education received accreditation from the Ministry of Education in 2004, followed by the accreditation of the Curriculum and Instruction major in 2013.

For more information about Handong Graduate school of Education, click below.